福榮産業株式会社 プラスチック製品企画製造販売

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About us

Our missions

Through value-added creation
Japan and China, Japan and the World
Be a bridge linking customers and factories

Basic Philosophy

  • We continue to pursue 'Value-added products' and 'Customer satisfaction' thus creating 'Fans' around us.
  • We vigorously push forward to create happiness for our 'employers and their families', 'everyday with renewed determination'.
  • We contribute to society with fairness always in mind.

In order to make proposals regarding the material that is most suitable for the application and the market as well as to satisfy the customer's needs, the first thing I thought when I succeed the company from the previous president was 'what to do to become a company that is truly attractive for our customers'.

The conclusion we came to was, 'Respond sincerely to our customers' voice'. This sounds simple but is not easy to achieve. Because in order to meet a customer's requirement, it is important to listen to the customer until we have a clear picture of the need and its background. Only when we understand that, will we know what we can do to help customers achieve their goal.

In that sense, we want to be a company who is 'happy and willing to offer advice anytime, in any circumstance'.